Awards & Recognition

2017, 2021 & 2022
Award-Winning Trio Foot Spa: The Epitome of Relaxation & Luxury

The TRIO Foot Spa, which has been voted the best basin/tub by nail professionals, has elevated the art of pedicure. Nail professionals across the industry have embraced the TRIO Foot Spa for its unrivaled quality and performance. By prioritizing the needs and preferences of both professionals and clients, we have created a pedicure basin/tub that sets the standard for excellence in the industry.

2010 - 2016
Belava Pro Foot Massager, the Unrivaled Choice for Nail Techs for 7 Consecutive Years

The nail industry has always been synonymous with style, sophistication, and innovation. Among the myriad of tools and techniques, one product has effortlessly risen above the rest, capturing the hearts of nail technicians and pampering enthusiasts alike. We proudly present the Belava Pro Foot Heater-Massager, the unrivaled favorite pedicure foot massager, which has reigned supreme in the nail industry for an incredible seven years in a row.

2004 - 2008
Belava Pedicure Tub with Disposable Liners: Revolutionizing Pedicure Safety

Experience the ultimate pedicure solution that not only ensures the safety and well-being of your clients but also offers unrivaled convenience and efficiency. The Belava Pedicure Tub with Disposable Liners has emerged as the pinnacle of innovation in the industry, providing a smart and effective way to elevate your clients' pedicure experience.